
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Washoku; たかね(Takane)

Soba is one of the most famous Japanese foods.
This time, Tokyo Geisha will introduce ‟たかね(Takane)”.
‟Takane” is located near Kayabacho Station.
In Kayabacho, there is Tokyo Stock Exchange.
On weekdays, there are many businessmen who works for securities companies.
‟Takane” provides Soba which made from 100% of buckwheat flour.
Actually, there are not many Soba Shops which provides Soba made from 100% of buckwheat flour.
Soba made from 100% of buckwheat flour is so-called ‟Juu Wari Soca”(10割そば)
Juu Wari means 100%.
If you see 8割, the Soba is made from 80 % of buckwheat flour and 20% wheat flour.
‟Juu Wari Soca”(10割そば) is very nice!

You could take one raw egg or one soft-boiled egg.

Zaru Soba with Tempura


I hope you will like it.Gochisousama -deshita!
