This time, Tokyo Geisha will introduce a coffee shop ‟Jubilee Coffee and Roaster” in Shiroganedai.
Shiroganedai is one of the high-class residential area.
‟Jubilee Coffee and Roaster” is near museum.
‟Jubilee Coffee and Roaster” is very modern cafe and clean.
Cofee beans are roasted every day at ‟Jubilee Coffee and Roaster”
Local people often come here to buy coffee beans.
At ‟Jubilee Coffee and Roaster”, coffee is made by hand-drip every time.
How to drip coffee is suited for coffee beans.
It takes about 15 minutes, but the taste is nice.
Iced coffee with milk is made with time and care.
The taste is mild in taste.
I hope you will like it.Gochisousama -deshita! (It is awesome!)