Compare to ordinaly sushi restaurants, sushi-go-rounds provides sushi which is affordable price.
Customers are able to take sushi as they like on the sushi's round bar.
These sushi price show the dish's color instead of price tag.
It is easy for customers to check the price when they chose sushi.
This time, Tokyo Geisha will introduce ‟回転寿司 根室花まる (Kaiten Zushi Nemuro Hanamaru)”which is sushi-go-round.
Kaiten Zushi Nemuro Hanamaru is from Hokkaido, the restaurant is popular for people in Hokkaido.
In Tokyo, the restaurant is near Tokyo Station.
Before Kaiten Zushi Nemuro Hanamaru opens, there is a long line in front of there.
After the waitress customers to their seats, they are able to take sushi as they like.
Various kinds of sushi appears on the table one after another.
If customers want to order sushi without wasabi, they are able to order on a piece of order sheet.
The restaurant has festive atmosphere.
‟Green tea” (self-service)
‟Japanese Horse Marckerel” with ginger
‟Squid” with salt flavored chinese lemon
‟Salmon tartare with egg yolk”
‟Vinegared marckerel”
‟Deep water shrimp”
‟Squid and seasoned cod roe”
‟Crab Salad”
‟Seasoned Tuna”
‟Grilled Salmon”
‟Salmon caviar”
‟Soup with minced sardin”
Sushi-go-round provides another menu as desserts.
This is a cheese cake.
Now,sushi-go-around has been evoloving.
In the past, there are three image. eg; Cheap, Quick, Delicious.
Now, there are restaurants which provides high qualiy's ingrediensts among sushi-go-around.
I hope you will like it.Gochisousama -deshita! (It is awesome!)
東京都千代田区丸の内2-7-2 JPタワーKITTE5F
2-7-2,Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
JP tower KITTE5F